Casino is a riveting movie about how the Mafia lost control of Las Vegas, and how huge gambling corporations continue to reinvent the desert city. Martin Scorsese’s masterful editing and taut narration make it one of the few movies that can hold your attention for over three hours.
Casinos are businesses, and like all businesses they want to maximize profits. To accomplish this, casinos have a variety of built-in advantages that assure that they will win more than they lose. These advantages, known as the “house edge,” are calculated for every game offered and give the casino a mathematical expectancy of winning. It’s rare for a casino to have a negative house edge for a single day. This virtual assurance of gross profit allows casinos to offer big bettors lavish inducements, such as free spectacular entertainment, hotel rooms, reduced-fare transportation and drinks and cigarettes while they gamble.
In addition to the built-in advantages, casinos also use advanced mathematics to shape their environments. For example, there are no clocks on the casino floor because the casinos want their patrons to lose track of time and play for longer. Elaborate surveillance systems also allow security personnel to watch every table, window and doorway with ease.
As a casino marketer, you can also take advantage of these proven tactics to attract and retain guests. For instance, optimizing your content for keywords that describe your amenities and unique offerings will help potential visitors find you when they’re in the mood to visit. Similarly, implementing beacons and other location-based marketing will increase your visibility to customers who are within walking distance of your establishment.