Adolescents can also engage in pathological gambling, but the difference between young and adult pathological gamblers is relatively small. The adult pathological gambler may take off work or school to engage in gambling. They may also lie to their spouse and spend their entire paycheck. On the other hand, young people may wager pocket money, their iPod or their video game player. In many cases, early gambling is a precursor to more serious gambling problems later in life.
Getting help for gambling addiction can be a daunting task, but it is not impossible. By following a few tips, you can be on your way to recovering from gambling addiction. First, you should recognize that gambling is a disease and should be treated accordingly. You can use therapy to overcome your gambling addiction. There are several treatment options available, including inpatient and residential programs. It is essential to reach out to family and friends to get the help you need.
In most cases, treatment for gambling addiction requires a combination of treatment options. Counseling is an effective method for understanding the behavior and helping people overcome it. There are no FDA-approved medications for gambling addiction, but these medications may help to treat co-occurring conditions. Family and friends can also be supportive, as long as the person has a strong desire to change their behavior. But in the end, only you can decide whether or not to quit gambling.